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Stock photographs are previously created photographs amassed at special online resources and available for creative or commercial use. As an alternative for working with professional photographer, one can look at picture stocks and search for an suitable pic for a project. Stock pictures are produced by qualified professional photographers and may contain people, landscapes, wildlife, abstract etc. Submitting pictures at photo stocks photographers have a chance to get a stable income for his or her works.
The application range of stock visuals is quite broad, yet it usually is reduced to two distinct areas: commercial and editorial. In terms of advertising, SMM, branding, and creative jobs, stock photography becomes handy. The imagery can be used for a company pitch deck, ads, banners, and posters etc. Moreover, if you retail t-shirts at your shop, you can take advantage of stock photos for a print pattern.
Gold Foil and Glitter Textures
Pastel yellow background
Light yellow background
Black and yellow background
blue and yellow background

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The topic of different textures is very popular. After all, one of the trends of 2020 is unusual textures, patterns and backgrounds on websites. After checking this post with a selection of the best images, textures, and patterns, you should have no doubt that all sources are proven. And it’s really cool, because there are very few sites that really differ in quality. Only the highest quality resources were used to write this article, which guarantees interesting and verified information.
- The article about textures. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_(visual_arts))
- Estel Vilaseca. Cutting-Edge Patterns and Textures. Rockport Publishers; 2008.
- How to Incorporate Textures in InDesign. (https://smallbusiness.chron.com/incorporate-textures-indesign-38926.html)
- Creative Background Styles and Trends in Web Design. (https://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/08/17/creative-background-styles-and-trends-in-web-design/)
- Web Design: When the Background Becomes the Main Stage. (https://usersnap.com/blog/background-webdesign/)
- Menena Cottin. The Black Book of Colors. Groundwood Books; 2008.
- Jane Brocket. Spiky, Slimy, Smooth: What Is Texture? Millbrook Press TM; 2011.