VQI is a vendor quality index. This is a formula for calculating a quality of vendor’s products, their support and customers emotional satisfaction
0.1% VQI
Approved number of products, uploaded by vendor The number of approved products, uploaded by vendor
26 Uploaded Products

Jegtheme Store

MasterBundles presents you a new part of the sellers' community - /vendor name/. As you know, our QA crew thoroughly reviews every candidate, so only the most trusted and experienced ones become a part of our little team.

Good quality and affordability are among the most important characteristics of the products. In order to tag the sellers based on the first characteristic i.e. quality we reveal to you their general rating and awards. The rating table is actually clickable, so that you can check who is the closest competitor of the specific contributor and who had been rated higher. All of the awards (if available) are displayed to the right.
Jegtheme Awards
No awards yet.
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There's a simple timer countdown under the name of every bundle. All the deals are restricted in time and that is the basis for a very reduced price. You can purchase some fantastic product at a very small cost but only if you will make it until the deal is shut down.

Did you like the presented products? MasterBundle's strives to give you just the top design bundles for lowest price. Should you have decided to buy all the items contained in the package deal separately - the cost for it would be many times bigger. The bundles are the most cost-effective option to gather helpful design tools for your project.

Every one of the goods available on are grouped to appropriate categories like Fonts, WordPress Themes or Stock Photos. You'll have zero challenges finding the items you want according to their type.

If you are not ready to purchase the bundle deal you picked: add the vendor's page to your bookmarks. You may also put it aside by sharing to Facebook or Instagram. Saved this way the page will be available to you when you want the package deal.

Didn't discover the particular bundle you have been hunting for? Don't lose faith. Certainly consider Masterbundles blog - some complimentary and useful advice is never a bad thing. It's a big storage of useful information related to graphic design and website development. The experts gather the most popular tips and tricks, investigate the best instructional courses and even recommend what presents to give to your friend or co-workers.

Recommendations, shares and inquiries from you are encouraged. If you'd like to see a concrete design bundle available on the site, you can write directly to the contributor (contact details are shown above) or to the manager and he will do all the things doable so you can grab the chosen item for optimum price. is a great marketplace where graphic design becomes budget friendly for all types of internet marketers, website creators, SMM-managers, web developers or marketing and advertising professionals. You will always find here amazing products for the lowest cost , helpful customer support, fantastic service and the best vendors that could be located on the web.