VQI is a vendor quality index. This is a formula for calculating a quality of vendor’s products, their support and customers emotional satisfaction
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Approved number of products, uploaded by vendor The number of approved products, uploaded by vendor
2 Uploaded Products

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MasterBundles wants to present you a new member of the sellers' community - Masyafi Studio. As you know, our QC staff thoroughly inspects each and every seller, so only the most reliable and experienced ones join our little marketplace.

Good quality and affordable price are among the most crucial features of the MasterBundles products. In order to tag the vendors according to the first feature (quality) we show you their general score and given awards.
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The ranking table is clickable, so that you can conveniently check who's the closest challenger of the specific contributor and who was rated higher. All of the awards (if available) are displayed to the right.

There's a simple option to make the products 5% cheaper for you - simply promote this web page to your FB. Use the Facebook sharing button to the right.

Be aware of the countdown placed directly under the bundle’s name. All the offers are restricted in time and that's the grounds for a very reduced price. You can aquire some fantastic product at a very reduced price as long as you can make it before the deal is expired.

Do you enjoy the proposed bundles? MasterBundle's tries to show you simply the top design products for a reasonable price. Should you have purchased every item contained in the package deal separately - the cost of it would be many times bigger. The bundle deals are the most satisfying solution to collect valuable design tools for your design work.

All the goods on MasterBundles.com marketplace are organised to appropriate categories like Stock Photos, WordPress Themes or Fonts. You will have no challenges finding the items you need according to their type. MasterBundles staff analyze every single offer before adding it to the listing, so don’t stress about its quality - we guarantee it is excellent.

If you aren't willing to pay for the bundle deal you liked: just bookmark the seller's page for later. It's also possible to put it aside by sharing to Instagram or FB. Saved using this method the web page is going to be available for you any time you feel the need for a bundle deal. For those who haven’t found your ideal bundle at this point, you may well be interested to look at our blog content. It's a huge collection of useful information about design and website creation. The creators of these posts collect the hottest tips and tricks, review the best learning courses and even suggest what presents to give to your buddie or colleagues.

By the way, recommendations, shares and inquiries from you are encouraged. If you'd like to see a concrete bundle available on MasterBundles website, you may write straight to the seller (contact info is shown above) or to the MasterBundles manager and he or she is going to do all the things possible so you can grab the desired item for the right selling price.

MasterBundles is an excellent marketplace where graphic design becomes budget friendly for all types of entrepreneurs, website creators, SMM-managers, designers or marketing and advertising specialists. You'll always discover here awesome products for the lowest cost possible, friendly support, fantastic service and the finest sellers that could be located on the web.