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Date of Creation April 7 2019
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Super Bullet Journal Notion Template Description

I have been using bullet journals to boost my productivity for years. I used to rely on the note-taking app on iPad; however, I spent too much time drawing the layout so sometimes I got lazy to set it up. Besides, I don’t bring iPad to the office, so the bullet journals were only for my personal use and need other tools to manage work tasks.

Notion is one of those tools I use for work (and I believe this will be the last one). I found Notion is very powerful for planning and progress tracking; especially, it allows multiple views to suit different needs. So one day I had the idea that what if I integrate bullet journal and work planner as one on Notion.

I spent almost 6 months to keep experimenting with different setups and finally, I created the best version you see now. Therefore, I would like to share it with anyone who may find it helpful and save your time! Now let me quickly go through some features.

This template includes:

  • Annual Goals Planner – this will help you set three goals at the beginning of the year and keep them on track when every quarterly review.
  • Quarterly Reviews – these will guide you to reflect on the past quarter and plan forward.
  • Monthly Log – this will give you a clear view of tasks and events this month and help you plan the weeks. Review the archive and monthly habit tracker and do the monthly refection to close up the month.
  • Weekly Log – this will help you plan every week in 2022. Distribute your weekly tasks to the days and manage your schedule accordingly to keep a great work-life balance.
  • Daily Log – this is helpful for daily time management. Open your daily log in the morning, look at today’s events and tasks assigned from the weekly log and plan your morning, afternoon, and evening.
  • Calendar – this can be found in the future log, monthly log, weekly log, and daily log. Add your meetings, parties, events, and the holidays to the calendar wherever you see it and manage them with tags.
  • Habit Tracker – this is shown in both daily and monthly logs and of course, the database is linked. So you can easily track and review it in either way you prefer.

Please see my ultimate user guide here.

This super template would really save your time and help you be organised and productive.

If you are already a bullet journal user you must find it very helpful. This template has been well structured accordingly to the bullet journal methodology. But you are not, welcome! Trust me, this is an easy step to start your bullet journal journey!

2022 Super Bullet Journal Notion Template Previews

Super bullet journal notion template.
Template for your work.
Product type on devices.
Super bullet journal notion.
Super bullet journal notion.
Super bullet journal notion template.
Template for your work.
Bullet journal notion template.
Product type on devices.

Super bullet journal notion template.

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