How to Join MasterBundles Affiliate Program without Own Website

 • 7 min read

Are you looking to join our affiliate program but don’t have a website? Don’t worry because joining our program is possible, even if you don’t have a website. In this article, we’ll show you 9 simple ways to share affiliate links using social media, forums, YouTube, and other platforms that don’t require creating a website.

About MasterBundles Affiliate Program

The MasterBundles Affiliate Program allows earning commissions by promoting MasterBundles products and content to the audience.

To become an affiliate, sign up on the MasterBundles Affiliate Page and create an account. Once approved, you can access various promotional materials, such as banners, links, and discount codes to help promote MasterBundles products and content.

On MasterBundles, you can have three different roles simultaneously – buyer, vendor, and affiliate. So you can promote our products as an affiliate, purchase them, or even sell your items on the platform!

Importantly, all affiliates have their account on our platform to track and manage earnings. They can monitor their sales and commissions and generate unique affiliate links and promotional materials there.

Affiliates earn a commission of 15% on each sale made through their unique link. And the withdrawal of funds from the affiliate account is fast and hassle-free.

Masterbundles Affiliate Income Table.

One notable advantage of the MasterBundles affiliate program is that if an affiliate adds an affiliate parameter to a freebie link and the referral buys a premium product accessing the website with the affiliate link, the affiliate still receives 15% of the premium sale.

What If I Don’t Have a Website?

Don’t have a website? No problem! Even without a website, you can still join the MasterBundles Affiliate Program and start earning money. We provide our affiliates with helpful marketing tools and resources to make it easy for them to get started.

Use Social Media

Here are some tips on how to spread affiliate content on different social networks:

1. Facebook: To reach your target audience, promote affiliate links across relevant Facebook groups or directly on your page. Additionally, consider running targeted ads within the same niche for maximum visibility!

You may start by searching for groups where designers hang out. Next, look for questions that can be covered by a specific product and offer a solution.

For example, if a designer needs to create templates for a food blog but needs to know where to start, share your experience of customizing ready-made templates and suggest a bundle from MasterBundles that includes similar at a more affordable price than other premium subscription services.

Include an affiliate link to the bundle in your comment to make it easy for others to access.

2. Instagram: Use visually appealing images or videos to promote products on Instagram. Video content and reels are rising, so take a chance and create attractive visuals that will draw attention and generate sales. Unfortunately, you can’t post a link directly to the description, but you can add it to your bio and mention that in the video’s description.

Another option is creating product reviews in stories and adding links there. Besides, you can even use a swipe-up feature in Instagram Stories if you have over 10,000 followers.

3. Twitter: Broaden your reach by sharing affiliate links and promotional materials with relevant hashtags. You can create a tweet and share a product image with a short description highlighting its key features and benefits.

Link your content, not just direct affiliate links – instead of posting just a link, include some context about why someone should click it, and don’t forget hashtags!

For example, if you’re promoting a bundle of fonts, use hashtags like #design, #typography, or #graphicdesign.

Remain active by engaging and retweeting – don’t just post links, but also engage with other users on Twitter by liking, commenting, and retweeting their posts as well as yours.

4. Pinterest: Create visually appealing pins that showcase the product or service you are promoting. For example, you can create tutorials or DIY projects using the products you are promoting.

Make sure to include relevant keywords in the description so that your pins can be easily found by potential customers.

Utilize Pinterest’s “Idea Pins” feature, which allows you to link directly to an affiliate link from within a pin. It makes it easier for users to click through and purchase the product or service you are promoting.

Importantly, you can join relevant group boards on Pinterest where you can share your pins with other members who may be interested in what you have to offer.

5. TikTok: Today, TikTok is one of the most popular platforms to share affiliate content. You can create tutorials, selections, and screencasts to showcase the products or services you are promoting.

You can start by researching popular trends and hashtags within your niche and incorporate them into your content. Then, create engaging and informative videos showcasing products from MasterBundles.

For example, if there is a bundle of social media templates, you can create a tutorial on how to customize them for your brand.

Don’t forget to use catchy music and captions to grab viewers’ attention! The only downside is that the link to your affiliate content can only be shared in your profile bio.

Still, you can include the affiliate link in the comments under your video or ask viewers to DM for the link.

6. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is another excellent option for sharing affiliate content. Use the “Start a post” feature at the top of your home page to write about your affiliate product or service. Include relevant keywords and hashtags that will help people find your post.

Besides, you can create carousel posts to share multiple images or videos simultaneously. They tend to be more eye-catching and engaging, which is a great way to draw attention to your affiliate product!

If you’re promoting products or services related to design, there are many design-focused communities on LinkedIn that you can join and share your affiliate links with.

Automation tools such as Hootsuite or Buffer can help streamline the whole process of managing multiple social accounts and scheduling posts in advance.

Don’t be that affiliate who thinks spamming links is the way to success. You’ll only achieve a one-way ticket to the banhammer from the admins. So play it smart and safe to build a solid reputation!

Try Behance and Dribbble

Sharing affiliate content from Masterbundles on Behance and Dribbble is a great way to increase your reach and get more exposure for your work. Both platforms offer a variety of tools and features that make it easy to promote your content.

Screenshot of the main page of the Behance website.

Image Source: Behance

On Behance, you can create projects that showcase your work in an attractive format, complete with images, videos, logos, illustrations, and more.

To get started, simply create a Behance account and upload your affiliate content. Once uploaded, you can create posts featuring your favorite bundles or products and include your affiliate link in the description.

You can also create tutorials or process videos that feature products from MasterBundles and include your affiliate link in the video description. This platform has a built-in analytics tool that allows you to track how well your project is performing.

Make sure to disclose that you are using affiliate links in your posts to be transparent with your audience.

Additionally, you can use Behance’s search feature to find other projects related to your affiliate content and connect with potential customers.

Screenshot of the main page of the Dribbble website.

Image Source: Dribbble

Dribbble is another popular platform for sharing affiliate content. It’s designed specifically for designers, allowing them to share their work in a portfolio-style format.

To start sharing affiliate content from MasterBundles on Dribbble, you can create an account and showcase your design work. You can also share your favorite design resources from MasterBundles, such as fonts, graphics, or templates, and include your affiliate link in the description.

Once your content is uploaded, you can promote it by tagging relevant users and using hashtags. You can also submit stories to the Dribbble Courtside Blog, which will help you get more visibility for your affiliate content.

Additionally, you can engage with the design community by commenting and liking their work to increase your visibility and reach.

Take Advantage of YouTube

Using YouTube to share affiliate content from Masterbundles lets you increase visibility and get more exposure. With over 2 billion users, the platform offers the perfect opportunity to reach millions of potential customers.

Screenshot of comments under the video on YouTube.

Image Source: YouTube

MasterBundles offers various digital products, such as fonts, graphics, templates, and more. By creating engaging videos that showcase these products, you can easily drive traffic to the website and earn commissions from any sales that result from your videos.

You can make tutorials on using a specific product, create unboxing videos, or show off viral content.

For example, here are some videos with affiliate links that powerfully showcase how to use products from MasterBundles:

  1. Video from Erwin Wirapratama
  2. Video from Rafayet Hasan Ratul
  3. Video from ONLINE INCOME
  4. Video from Alex On Design

Be sure to post affiliate links for those products in the description box so people know what you’re promoting and how they can find out more.

Create a Viral eBook

A viral eBook is an electronic book designed to be shared and distributed widely online. It typically contains content related to a specific topic or product and often includes links to affiliate websites or products.

For example, on different social media, like Facebook, there are posts with links to download free books, inside of which you can find affiliate links to other products.

Screenshot of Facebook post with photo of book, phone and tablet.

Image Source: Facebook

The first step in creating a viral eBook is to develop an interesting and informative topic. It’s important to choose one relevant to the products offered by MasterBundles so readers will be interested in learning more.

Once your outline is ready, you can start writing your book. Make sure to include relevant keywords throughout the text so potential customers can easily find it when they search online.

Ensure to include links to the MasterBundles website so readers can quickly access the site when they finish reading.

Importantly, with AI quickly becoming a significant part of our lives, it is a sin not to take advantage of its capabilities to write a viral eBook. For example, you can use ChatGPT to write content and MidJourney for illustrations.

So, you can create content without investing a lot of time and effort into it. For example, Children’s Book Generated with ChatGPT & MidJourney was created using AI and earned thousands of dollars in royalties.

When your eBook is complete, it’s time to start promoting it! You can post it on social media or send it as a newsletter blast with a unique promotional code!

You can also promote the book on design or software development forums or reach out directly to influencers interested in recommending your book on their platforms.

Be Active in Online Communities & On Forums

Online communities and forums are a great way to share affiliate content from MasterBundles. Quora and Reddit are the two most popular forums for sharing content related to design.

Here is a great example:

Screenshot of a post on the Supermetric forum.

Image Source: Supermetrics

You can create content that is relevant to the topics being discussed. For example, if you are promoting a bundle of design resources from MasterBundles, you could create a post with an affiliate link that explains how the bundle can help designers improve their workflow and save time.

You could also provide examples of how the bundle has been used in other projects!

Another way to use online communities and forums is by participating in existing conversations, providing helpful advice or insights, and sharing affiliate links.

It will help build your reputation as an expert in your field and make it easier for people to trust your recommendations when purchasing products from MasterBundles.

Still, remember, sharing affiliate links on forums like Reddit can be a tricky business. It is a community that does not like spam links, and members can easily report them.

Therefore, it is essential to spend time becoming an established community member before adding any relevant links. The best way to earn trust is to simply hang out on thematic topics, post, and interact with members without posting promotional content or links.

Once you have established yourself as an active member, you can then start adding relevant links very carefully. It’s important to remember that building trust takes time and patience. If you rush into things, your posts may be flagged as spam or deleted by moderators!

Learn PPC Marketing

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) marketing is a powerful tool for sharing affiliate content. This online advertising model allows advertisers to pay a fee each time their ad is clicked.

With PPC, you can target specific audiences with your marketing message and increase the visibility of your affiliate content.

PPC ad campaigns are easy to build. All you need to do is create an engaging ad copy that promotes a specific product and then use targeted keywords to get your ads in front of the right people.

You can also create a budget and track the success of your campaigns to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investment.

Many affiliate marketing markets are highly competitive, with limited room for profit. With the low-earning margins from each sale, paying an arm and a leg for every click is simply not cost-effective.

Remember – only a fraction of visitors will buy something, so you want to be sure your budget is being wisely spent.

Use Content Publishing Platforms

Sharing affiliate content on content publishing platforms such as Medium, Steemit, and other similar websites can greatly increase your reach and earn more money.

According to recent statistics, Steemit has over 4 million monthly visits, while Medium has over 134 million.

It’s important to remember that the goal is to provide value for your readers. Therefore, you should create quality content that adds value to the reader’s experience.

For example, you can write tutorials, reviews, or helpful tips related to the product or service you are promoting.

Screenshot of a post on Steemit.

Image Source: Steemit

Include relevant keywords to make your post more likely to appear in search engine results.

Make sure you are following all of the platform’s guidelines when it comes to affiliate links. For example, some platforms may require you to disclose affiliate links in your post or restrict how many links you can include in a single post.

Email Marketing

Email marketing allows you to reach a large audience quickly and cost-effectively. It can promote special offers, new product releases, gated content like ebooks and webinars, and your brand.

On top of that, it is affordable. So when you begin your journey as an affiliate marketer, a platform like Mailchimp will be perfect for you since they offer complimentary plans!

Screenshot of Mailchimp website homepage.

Image Source: Mailchimp

Before you can start enticing people with your affiliate offers, you must first motivate them to join your email list. Then, create a landing page dedicated to collecting email addresses and offering free content, like an ebook or webinar, in exchange for signing up.

Once you have a list of emails, you can begin sending out campaigns. Again, keep your content interesting and informative while also making sure to promote MasterBundles’ products subtly.

These campaigns should be designed to drive people back to your website and encourage them to purchase.

You could also include images of the product or service in the email, which will help draw attention.

Record Podcasts

Podcasts are a popular medium that allows you to create entertaining and informative content while promoting the products or services offered through your affiliate link.

You should include stories, interviews, case studies, or other interesting topics related to the products or services you’re promoting. You can also use music and sound effects to make your podcast more exciting and appealing.

Once your podcast is recorded, you can use various promotional tactics to get your message out there and attract new customers. These can include posting episodes on popular podcast directories like iTunes and Stitcher, sharing links on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, or submitting episodes to online communities like Reddit.

Don’t forget to include affiliate links in the show notes section and any blog post or description accompanying the podcast.

Tips for Efficient Affiliate Marketing without a Website

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn additional money online without having your own website. Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Learn Your Audience

Before you start your affiliate marketing journey, it’s essential to understand your target audience and what their needs are. Knowing this information will help you choose the right products and services to promote.

2. Conduct Keyword Research

Keywords are an essential part of SEO and digital marketing. They are important because they help search engines understand what your content is about, allowing them to better match it with the right audience.

Keywords also play a role in helping you attract organic traffic to your website.

Additionally, keywords can help algorithms on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn better understand who should be seeing your posts so that you can reach the right people and increase your chances of converting them into leads.

3. Find Affiliate Programs that Don’t Require Having a Website

Many affiliate programs like Clickbank and Amazon Associates don’t require a website, making them perfect for those just starting.

Screenshot of the main page of the Clickbank website.

Image Source: ClickBank

ClickBank is a first-class affiliate network that offers cutting-edge CPA and revenue share programs for eCommerce businesses. It’s home to 100,000+ sellers with the potential of earning up to $150 per sale commission!

Screenshot of the main page of the Amazon Associates website.

Image Source: Amazon Associates

Without a doubt, Amazon Associates stands as the world’s premier and most lucrative affiliate program. It offers a generous commission structure for promoting physical and digital products. In addition, you can easily set up an Amazon Associates account with just your email address in minutes.

4. Diversify Your Efforts

To maximize your earnings, it’s important to diversify your efforts by simultaneously promoting multiple products from different companies or websites.

In addition, it will help ensure that if one product isn’t performing well, you still have other sources of income coming in from other promotions.

For example, you can share your affiliate link on all your social media channels, post it in online forums or discussion boards, or even create a YouTube video to promote the product.

5. Use Paid Ads

Paid ads can effectively reach new audiences and generate more sales for your affiliate links without needing a website.

Instead, you can use platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to create targeted campaigns to reach potential customers interested in the products or services you’re promoting.

Joining the MasterBundles Affiliate Program without a website is not only possible but also simple and stress-free.

Sign up today and start earning! And if you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact Anna – our Outreach and Affiliate Manager – at We are always here to help.

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Disclosure: MasterBundles website page may contain advertising materials that may lead to us receiving a commission fee if you purchase a product. However, this does not affect our opinion of the product in any way and we do not receive any bonuses for positive or negative ratings.

How to participate in masterbunds affiliate program without website.