10+ Best Japanese Fonts in 2023

 • 6 min read
Author Liza Koenhoven

Japanese Style Fonts. The first mentions of Japanese writing are confirmed in the 4th century. It arose after the borrowing of Chinese characters, but over time the Japanese simplified them significantly. Moreover, a separate alphabet was created to denote the most common phenomena and household items. As a result, these innovations resulted in a separate language with expressive rounded fonts.

Japanese writing style is like dancing gracefully. In it, every intricate letter is full of deep meaning. The Japanese have long been renowned for their restraint. The secret is that they put all emotions and feelings into the lettering. Japanese style fonts are extremely complex. Sometimes only one hieroglyph contains an entire sentence.

The collection of Japan style fonts below contains the most attractive examples of Japanese writing. We’ve selected the best free and premium Japanese fonts for your next project.

Best Premium Japan Style Fonts

Japanese Font

Hirokawa is a handcrafted, elegant font, containing the beautiful Japanese culture within.

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Japanese Font by Fractal

Japanese is an incredibly daring and genuine display font.

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Toranaga, a Japanese Inspired Font

Toranaga font is a sketch typeface made out of sticks inspired by old Japanese writings.

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Japanese Font by Dadiomouse

This is a simplet yet unique display font.

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Osake – Japanese Font

Osake is a japanese brush font that we made with excellent taste.

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Hiragino Sans

Mindful that Hiragino Sans (Kaku Gothic) would be used in conjunction with Hiragino Serif (Mincho), SCREEN developed a font that anticipated today’s world where most people do their reading on displays and yet still has an orthodox letterform that does not blur when printed on paper.

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Japanese Cuisine Calligraphy Font

Japanese cuisine calligraphy font.

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Kashima Brush Font

Kashima is brush font with Japanese style that made using the real brush pen. It looks very natural.

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Best Free Japan Style Fonts

Electroharmonix Font – Free Japanese Font for Commercial Use

This is a pseudo-Japanese display typeface inspired by katakana, hiragana and kanji.

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Karasha Font

Karasha font.

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Kamikaze Font Family

Kamikaze font family.

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Osake Font

Osake font.

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Night in Tokyo Font Family

Night in tokyo font family.

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Ninja Note Japanese Script Font

Ninja note japanese script font.

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Samurai Font

Samurai is a Free Font for commercial use created by Fontilizer. Samurai is a Brush type font that can be used on any device.

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