Product Specs

Created by Wonder & Wild Gear
File type BRUSH, JPG, RTF
File size 4.76MB
Date of Creation April 6 2023
Color blue gray purple
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Introducing: Blockwing! A two pencil and eraser combo for Procreate that looks like a Blackwing pencil!
File includes two pencils and an eraser (which can also be used as a pencil, it’s a double whammy!) and demo image.

Blockwing Pencil: The OG, with tilt and beautiful texture
Blockwing No Tilt: Just as good as the OG, but without the tilt if that’s not your thang
Blockwing Eraser: Modified from the Blockwing Pencil, it works as both a pencil and eraser, but I do love how it works as an eraser.

Plus three NEW pencils not previously in the pack.
UPDATE 12/10/19: I’ve updated the pencils to fix an issue they had when importing into Procreate 5. All should be good now.

Blockwing Procreate Pencil Brushes pinterest preview image.