This is a extensive set of 380 vintage musical related vector illustrations, sourced from authentic prints published in 1902-1922, in United States.
These graphics were sourced first-hand from genuine prints published in United States. As always, we personally collected, owned and processed all sources with optimized setting and professional-grade photo scanner only.
Nuts and bolts:
380 illustrations in AI, EPS and high resolution PNG (with transparent background).
Sourced first-hand from authentic hard copies of various vintage catalogs published in 1902-1922. You simply can’t find these beauties at one sitting in the market.
Scanned and vectorized the best way possible to preserve its features. The vectors are highly detailed and very suitable for making art print.
380 illustrations include: Violin, harmonica, accordian, violoncello, guitar, ukulele, banjos, phonographs, music box, piano, mandolin, musical instrument parts etc. Preview 4-11 show all included illustrations.
Format includes AI, EPS and PNG with transparent background. AI and EPS vector are compatible with Adobe Illustrator CS4 and above.
All graphics made are verified to be out of former copyright, in-house personally collected and owned, handpicked and reviewed in detail to make sure they are in best shapes for contemporary project.