Bright Winter Dreams. Nude and freezy-blue color palette of snowy mountains and magnolia leaves with delicate accents of white flowers and pale pink roses plays cozy, soft and bright. The bright winter theme with cozy woodland animal characters in a knitted sweaters is reminiscent a dream.
200+ .Elements hand drawn watercolor graphic elements.
Each element is an individual .png with transparent background (watch the list below).
Perfect for any background color.
.PNG SIZE ↔ 4500x4500px | 300 dpi
70 Individual watercolor elements (.png).
24 Animal characters (.png).
9 Scenery Elements (.png).
12 Floral bouquets (.png).
3 Golden Geometric frames (.png).
3 Golden Geometric frames with animals (.png).
3 Golden Oval frames (.png).
3 Golden Oval frames with animals (.png).
3 Golden Round frames (.png).
6 Floral Wreaths (.png).
6 Floral Wreaths with animals (.png).
HOLIDAYS CARDS ↔ 5x7in | 300 dpi
3 cards with and without text (fonts are not included!) (.jpg).
I have used commercial fonts in the logos’ samples for the perfect look. They are not included. You could purchase these fronts separately or use any other free fonts that you like.