Annual Report Keynote Template.The presentation template is an Apple iWork (Keynote) template created in HD quality with a 16×9 aspect ratio. The design also only includes the annual report template, so you can easily tailor it to your business or company’s needs.
Works on Apple Keynote;
68 Unique creative slides;
Apple Keynote KEY;
16×9 HD Ratio Display.
Bonus Included: 2500+ Icons;
Based on Master Slides;
Fully Easy Editable and Customizable;
Easy Drag and Drop to change picture;
All Graphic Resizable and Editable;
Free Font Used;
More details inside of PDF Support;
Images used in the demos are NOT included.
What’s Included In?
Speech From Chairman And MD.
Board of Directors.
Company Statement And Our Organography.
Who We Are?
Vision, Mission & Values.
Our Statistics, Key Figures, Philosophy And Strategy.
Market Status, Share, Expenses And Marketing Strategy.
Capital Status.
Global Business.
Total Expenses, Assets, Liabilities .
Shareholder Equities.
Year In Review.
Planning and Control.
History, Experience And Quality.
Social Media Popularities.
Event Picture.
Audit Report.
Financial Statement And Social Work.
Present information to your customers in an extraordinary way with clean and creative design, development, web design, neomorphic or minimalist and versatile design.🤓