Product Specs

Created by StellarValor
File type EPS, JPEG
File size 41.39 MB
Date of Creation June 14 2024
Color blue orange red
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“Angry Viking” logos mascot designed specifically for gamers. Thess mascots features a robust and intimidating Viking warrior, characterized by his muscular build and aggressive posture. His face is marked with a furious expression, eyes blazing with intensity, and his mouth open in a battle cry. He wears a traditional Viking helmet with prominent horns, adding to his fearsome appearance. The helmet is intricately detailed with metalwork and battle scars, emphasizing his warrior spirit.

The Viking is clad in rugged armor and fur, showcasing his readiness for combat. In one hand, he wields a mighty axe with intricate engravings, while the other hand clenches a shield emblazoned with Norse symbols. The color palette is dominated by dark, bold colors like deep reds, metallic silvers, and blacks, enhancing the logo’s powerful and intimidating vibe.

Background elements such as stormy clouds, lightning bolts, or a Nordic landscape may be included to add to the dramatic effect. The overall design is sharp and dynamic, perfect for gamers seeking a strong, aggressive identity for their gaming avatars or teams. This “Angry Viking” mascot embodies strength, resilience, and warrior spirit, making it an ideal emblem for competitive gaming.

10 Angry viking logos mascot for gamers pinterest preview image.