Neon Enhanced Oil Painting
Created by | SlideSalad |
File type | PNG, PSD |
File size | 61.42 MB |
Date of Creation | December 8 2022 |
Color | black blue red yellow |
Rating | 5 (10) |
Category |
Urban Sketcher Photoshop Action
Urban Sketcher Photoshop Action turns your photos into a masterpiece of art. Save hours of work with this action. After action finishes the work you get a well-organized and structured file with the many layers, folders, and settings to improve the final result.
The action has been tested and working on Photoshop CS6 & CC 2014, CC 2018, CC 2019, and higher. The action will ONLY WORK IN THE ENGLISH VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP.
If you are not using the English version of Photoshop, you can always change it to English and then back again to your native language.
Main Folder Contains
Key Features