Weight Tracker Description
Weight Tracker. The weight tracker template will help you to record weight daily. Set your goal and start making the change today.
Have a lot to lose or gain , but facing these issue ?
- Can’t decide how much to lose
- Don’t know how much you have gained or loose
- Can’t keep track of your caloric consumption.
- Unable to maintain weekly notes
This weight tracker notion template will help you to:
- Break your weight loss or gain into small goals ⛏️ : So you can focus on short-term achievable goals and strike them once they are achieved .
- Keep track 📝 : Of your daily change in weight so that you can see what you are really doing
- Update your weight daily 🏋️ : This will help you determine whether you are adding some weight or not.
- Keep track of your caloric consumption 🍔 : So that you can balance your daily calorie intake and achieve your desired goal.
- List ✔️ : Weekly realistic workout plan to get your fitness journey on track
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