Product Specs

Created by runelh
File size 8.77MB
Date of Creation February 1 2023
Color blue gray
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PNG Express is an Adobe Photoshop extension that allows you to get from Design to Development the fast, precise, and repeatable way!

Automatically slice and export your PSD to individual PNG, JPG & SVG assets with a single click.
Creates assets for iOS, Retina, and Android densities all at once from any source resolution.
Automatic export of Android 9-patch assets for different screen densities.
Export scalable SVG assets from Photoshop with best-in-class SVG generation.
Export directly to Xcode Asset Catalogs with support for different devices (like Apple Watch etc).
Optional lossless and lossy PNG optimization for much smaller file sizes.
Add tags to names of layers or groups to define assets, or let PNG Express do it for you.
Export multiple states & variations of assets in one go, with automatic file naming and sizing.
Repeat any export exactly, or tweak the slicing if needed. Great for iterative workflows and team work.
Choose output folder, sub-folders, and optional file suffix (e.g. @2x and @3x).
Works with any layer, group, FXs, masks etc. 100% accurate exports.
Output asset metadata and text properties to external files (XML, JSON, HTML, etc)


Create design specs with concise information on dimensions, margins, font features etc.
Save time and improve accuracy with specs that takes minutes instead of hours to create.
Spec layer position, dimensions, margins, distances, font styling and layer FXs.
Works in sync with the PNG/JPG asset regions and exported file names.
Can be used with any layer or group.
Customizable font size and color

PNG Express is unobtrusive and flexible with full control for designers, while providing clear and consistent deliverables for developers. That means faster workflow, better communication, and more time for lunch and ping-pong matches.
See PNG Express in action here:
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