Product Specs

Created by mkusek1
File size 11.15MB
Date of Creation February 3 2023
Color brown orange yellow
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A set of 90 Custom Molding Profiles for Photoshop.
Useful for creating the appearance of frames, moldings and bevels of many kinds.
Can be used individually or in combination to create more and more complex molding forms.
These profiles are custom contours that can be installed into Photoshop using the Preset Manager (Installation instructions included). Once installed, they become available for use through Photoshop’s “Bevel & Emboss” layer style controls Contour menu.
Installation into the “Contours” library in Photoshop ALSO allows these profiles to be accessed through Photoshop’s 3D engine for use as custom bevels that can be applied to 3D shapes and type extrusions.
NOTE: This product is ONLY for Adobe Photoshop CS1+.
It is not compatible with Photoshop Elements.
Sample images not included.

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