Product Specs

Created by jenny.wu1022
File size 10.96KB
Date of Creation February 1 2023
Color gray green orange
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The Lifestyle Headshots Preset Pack is designed for the creatives, influencers, businesses, and cool kids that want personality and style in their headshots.
This preset pack comes with a bundle of 4 lifestyle headshot preset styles to reflect your business or personal branding, and an a high contrast version of each style (8 presets in total):
Note: this is also available within the larger Branding Preset Bundle
LS headshot 01 The One – the perfect all rounder
S headshot 01 The One HC – high contrast version
LS headshot 02 bright – bright and clean, with vivid reds and oranges
LS headshot 02 bright HC – high contrast version of the above
LS headshot 03 clean – great for a clean. modern, minimalist look
LS headshot 03 clean HC – high contrast version of the above
LS headshot 04 warm- earthy, warm tones.
LS headshot 04 warm HC – high contrast version of the above

This preset is for desktop only *


This preset is for desktop only *

Best results are with RAW/DNG files. Results with Jpeg files are unpredictable.

Compatible with Lightroom Classic Desktop

//Instructions and troubleshooting//

Lifestyle Headshots Preset Pack pinterest preview image.