Product Specs

Created by IngeniousArtist
File size 57.48MB
Date of Creation February 1 2023
Color blue purple red
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Easiest Marble texture generator available for Photoshop!

This Marble texture generator is unlike any other, take any photo and make it into a marbled texture! Gives a very similar result to the original textures made from water marbling or suminagashi technique. A must have for people who love to use these kinds of textures, including me 🙂
What you will be getting:

1 Texture generating Photoshop Action
15 pre-made meshes for the Action
30 Duotone Gradients for Duotoned textures
Help and Changelog text file



5 meshes
Color Fade
Cloud Texture
Black and white adjustment


Added 5 more meshes


Added 5 more meshes
Added 30 Duotone Gradients with a Duotone Layer [BONUS]
Made 2 seperate layers one normal mesh and one twirled mesh for stirred marbling effect
Made 2 groups one with basic adjustments and one with Custom adjustments (which you should edit to your needs)
Moved Black and White, Cloud texture and Color Fade to Custom group
Added a High Saturation adjustment for psychedelic colors and a High Contrast Layer
Added a noise texture


PDF tutorial for how to easily use the liquify tool and make new meshes
Youtube demo video showing you how everything will work out in the action
More customizing options

If you have any problems or suggestion do email me at or message me here at CreativeMarket. If you think this action is awesome, please like and share. 🙂
Stay trendy. Be a e s t h e t i c.
Pictures by Astragony.

Marble Texture Maker Pro pinterest preview image.