Product Specs

Created by h3design
File size 286.34KB
Date of Creation February 3 2023
Color blue green orange pink
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This Plugin ONLY workes with Photoshop 2021 or newer
Specs makes it easy to generate measurements (sizes, distances), guidelines and color samples. Everything is customizable in its appearance and most of the settings update in real time. You can measure in different Units like pixel, inch, millimeter and centimeter or display colors as hex code, RGB, CYMK or HSB. Since the fontsize and all other visual styles are adjustable, you can even use Specs for large print templates, not only designs that are for web-use.
Main Functions:

Measure Size: Add measurements for selected layers to indicate height and width
Measure Distance: Add measurements for the distances between two selected layers (or document edge)
Measure Custom: Auto-selects the ruler tool and let’s you draw a measurement
Guides from Layer: Renders guidelines along the edges of a layer
Draw Guideline: Place a guide and it gets drawn as a line
Sample Color: Take a color sample in various color modes
Layer/Document Info: List various properties (auto detects if it’s a shape, text or normal layer and shows relevant info)

Most settings will update the look in real-time without having to recreate the elements

Global: Font, Font Size, Unit (px,cm,mm,in,pica, pt), Show Unit (on / off)
Measurements: Color, Text Color, Text BG Color, Text BG Size, Text Location (on line / next to line), Stroke Width, Limiter (none, arrow, dot, line), Offset, Rotate Text (on / off)
Guidelines: Color, Text Color, Text BG Color, Text BG Size, Text Location (on line / next to line), Stroke Width, Show Text (on / off)
Color Samples: Text Color, Text BG Color, Text BG Size, Output Mode (Hex Code, RGB, CMYK, HSB)
Info-Boxes: Text Color, Text BG Color, Text BG Size, Properties (select from 18 options)


Auto-Update on Enter (on/off): pressing Enter in an input after changing the value automatically updates the look
Auto-Cancel Listeners (on/off): If on, it will cancel listening for the [new guide], [draw ruler] and [sample color] event once the action has been done by the user. Turn it off if you want to consecutively add multiple samples/measures/guides.
Show Panel Header (on/off): Shows or hides the top part of the interface
Show Settings (on/off): Shows or hides the settings view
Minimize Buttons (on/off): Show only icons on buttons, no text
Render better TextBG: Creates cleaner rectangle boxes behind the text. Do this at the end, when youre done with customizations.
Set Font to currently active: Sets the font setting to the currently active font of the text tool in Photoshop. (so you don’t have to try and guess the name of a font)
Delete Nesting helpers: Removes the layers that just exist for the plugin to nest groups correctly
Delete Specs: Removes the [specs]-folder created by the plugin with all the measurements etc in it
Reset Panel State: Resets the panel to the initial settings

Specs - Custom Measures & Marks pinterest preview image.