Product Specs

Created by frangivani
File type PSD, TXT
File size 10.77MB
Date of Creation March 22 2023
Color blue green orange red
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Clean, professional, and modern real estate flyer template perfect for its purpose. There are 4 photo placeholders plus text placeholders to accommodate your information. All of these elements make this flyer great for real estate agent, realtor or agency to advertise home or property for sale or rent.
The right program to edit these templates is Adobe Photoshop CS3 or later version. Make sure you have this program installed on your system before making a purchase. If you don’t have this program, you might want to download a trial-version of Adobe Photoshop CC from Adobe site.
Flyer specs and features:

print size: 8.5 x 11 inches
bleed area: 0.25 inches
color: cmyk/300 dpi
source-file format: Photoshop .psd
editing software required: Adobe Photoshop CS3 or later version
total 3 .psd files in the download
help file included (how to place new photo on the photo placeholder)

FONTS used:

Monserrat, (free font)
Nexa Rust Script, h tp:// (free font)
Arial, system font


sample photos as seen on the preview are NOT INCLUDED in the download. Links to get the photos are provided.
You need to have a basic or working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop to edit the source-files.

Photo credit:
829264, KhademAlQubaisi

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