Product Specs

Created by Eka Design
File type ABR, ATN, PAT, TXT
File size 20.81MB
Date of Creation February 7 2023
Color black orange pink
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Old Sketch Photoshop Action
This Photoshop Action Turns your photos into masterpieces of art. Save man hours with this action. Once the action is complete, you get a well-organized and structured file with lots of layers, folders and settings to enhance the final result.
Tutorial Old Sketch Photoshop Action
Actions have been tested and work on Photoshop CS4, CS5, and up. Action will ONLY WORK IN ENGLISH VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP.
If you’re not using the English version of Photoshop, you can always change it to English and then back to your native language.
Main Folder Contains

Old Sketch (PAT,ATN,Help File Notepad)

Key Features

Very Easy To Customize
Duplicate Layers/ Folder to add even more details
Lots of Layers to customize the design
Show/Hide Folders/Layers to add more details
Well organized Folders/Layers

Old Sketch pinterest preview image.