Product Specs

Created by Creative Graphics
File type ATN, PAT, TXT
File size 2.33MB
Date of Creation February 7 2023
Color blue red
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Real Monitor FX

Real Monitor FX is a collection of Photoshop Actions which converts images into RGB Monitor display look. There are various pattern scale options available in action set. Also there are two pattern lcd pattern options.

Easy to use
Pattern Scale Options
Organized Layer Structure
Further Options

How to install Photoshop Actions and Patterns?
Open Photoshop, and click on the Actions Palette menu button (located in the top right of the Actions Palette.
Select “Load Actions”
Select one of the .atn files from the download. (CreativeGraphics_Real_Monitor_FX_Actions.atn)
Load this action.
Load patterns.
Important! You should load patterns included in archive (“CreativeGraphics_Real_Monitor_FX_Patterns.pat”) before you run actions

Real Monitor FX Photoshop Action pinterest preview image.